
Monday, December 30, 2019

One Decade(ish)

I have lived in 3 states (just missed being 5 by a few months on either side).

Gained two (three if you count Cowboy who isn't technically mine but I picked him) horses

Lost one dog and one father

Graduated from grad school and kind of sort of got big kid jobs

Started blogging (I am a few months away from 5 years which is totally insane)

Kind of sort of quit blogging because life

Met the most amazing people ever

Joined a cult (best decision ever, but choose your cults wisely tack ho cults are the best)

Learned many lessons

Probably forgot some shit

PS If the picture is good it probably is courtesy of Aimee

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Happy Holidays

I hope everyone enjoys a lovely day. Happy holidays from the reluctant selfie takers.

I participated in Tracy's Secret Santa once again and got a lovely gift from OneBudWiser of course I didn't take any pictures. Hopefully once the new year rolls around I will get around to posting about the big changes that are in store for the new year. I am quite happy to leave this one behind.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Giraffe Much?

I always swear that Stinker is actually a giraffe and I had every intention of doing a giraffe clip for halloween if he ever needed a full body clip. Sadly that never happened, but here is all the proof you need that he is a secret giraffe.