
Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Worth His Weight In Gold

I can't believe how well Pongo is doing.  He is turning into a jumping rockstar and S thinks he can easily do training eventually.  I adore this horse so much, but lucky for me the girl has asked about riding him again and mentioned that her dad was talking about getting her a horse (score!). I am keeping my fingers crossed that this will work out, because then I don't have to worry about where he will end up in the long run.

Last week he was amazing in our jump lesson.  We were right on point and everything felt fantastic.  This week, we only had one brain between the two of us.  Apparently I was the one that had my brain leak out.  I could not ride to save my life.  I was putting him to wonky distances, jumping ahead, and sloppy with my position.  All that fun stuff.  Pongo just kept on trucking despite my best efforts.  He didn't object when I failed miserably, never stopped or ducked out (I gave him plenty of reasons), and just kept jumping.

This actually made me happier than our amazing jump lessons when I was riding well.  He took care of me, ignored my terrible decisions, made all the right ones, and stayed honest.  What more can you ask for from a horse?  I think with some more miles on him, he will make a fabulous horse.  He may not be the flashiest or most athletic, but he will be solid and dependable.


  1. aww yay Pongo! he really sounds like the neatest horse. i will take 'solid and dependable' over many many alternatives any day haha. hopefully things work out with the girl who has been riding him! if he sells, will you find another horse to jump around on while Stinker builds up his strength?

    1. I haven't let myself think about that but I think I will be able to find someone. And he really is so cool!

  2. He sounds like he really just wants to please :)

    1. He does! He tries so hard and is so proud of himself when you tell him good job.

  3. Your equitation looks pretty darn good in those pics!

    1. Thanks! They are actually from last fall since I don't have any new Pongo jumping media... I did not look like this the other day
