
Friday, July 8, 2016

July Conformation

I was actually a little bummed this month.  Don't get me wrong, he is looking fantastic, but I really want his neck fixed already.  It is slowly improving, but when I see that darn dip I get sad and think I am not doing something right.  Basically, I have too much time to stare at the picture and fixate.  I am very happy with his weight and how shiny he is.

When I compare back to January (bottom in the sets) he has a lot of improvement.  I am just getting greedy and wanting more.

I want him to look like this when he is just standing, but I will just have to be patient.


  1. Boca has the same darn dip! I feel your pain! It has taken about 2 years for it to start to fill in. It will come! I promise!

    1. PS You can definitely see huge improvement in your boy already!

    2. Thanks! I know I'm making progress because it fills up some when he is working but I get impatient and want it to look like a fancy dressage horse neck immediately. Unfortunately that doesn't happen rapidly... :)

  2. i love the new banner pic! also i'm basically just coming to terms with the fact that my horse's top line might improve or get better over time (tho i'm still annoyed that she can lose it faster than she can put it on lol), but it's always going to be limited by her conformation.

    1. Thanks! I'm going to be doing a few more updates but I figured it was time. Plus I finally had a picture I liked :)

      I know what you mean about the top line. I watched his melt away when he had time off for his feet. I was blaming it on the EPM, because it is always EPMs fault... :)
