
Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Magic Hat?

The past couple of rides Stinker has been fantastic.  I can't decide if it is because he has a new magic hat or if the new toy is paying off.  Either way, I am ok with it.

Couldn't wait to try it on

Monday, I didn't get out to the barn until evening time and it was getting dark as I was getting on.  I walked on the hills until it started to get too dark and then moved into the ring with lights.  Typically when he is by himself in the dark he tends to get a little more reactive and spooky.  His walk work was really nice and he stayed very consistent.

I hopped off and popped him on the lunge so he could trot both ways.  He was much more forward than before, but not speedy forward.  He was reaching and stretching.  To the right he still had a bit of a head tilt but it is slowly decreasing.

Magic hat!

Tuesday morning he was super.  I have been struggling in the jump field a bit.  He gets spooky and reactive and doesn't want to work correctly.  Clearly, I should know that it is necessary to be in giraffe mode to keep us safe.  He spooked himself once, and the walk got a little hurried a few times, but in general he was very steady.  He was very quiet and rideable, even in the trot.  I didn't do a lot of trot because he didn't rush and was trying to reach and stretch.

With matched DJD brow band!

Overall, I was really happy with how quiet, calm, and willing he has been over the last few days.  As much as I love his magic new hat, I am really hoping that it is the training that is paying off and he really is figuring out how to work correctly so he can start rebuilding his top line.


  1. I think it's the correct training paying off, but the magic hat is giving you extra confidence 😉 I love, love, LOVE the piping on that bonnet, it's delicious.

  2. Whether it's magic or not that hat looks fabulous!! :D

    1. Thank you! I love everything that If the Bonnet Fits has made for me but this one is my favorite.

  3. the hat helps. i LOVe the cord you picked!!

    1. I adore the cord too! I have a brown bonnet with it too. I *might* have a bonnet problem.

  4. The hat is cute, and I am so, so happy to hear that the brain is coming back!!!

  5. That color is perfect on him!! And even better that he's been so good in so many various locations lately too!!
