
Monday, February 20, 2017


Last week was a bit of a mess.  I was leaving town on Wednesday, so I planned to give Stinker five days off while I was gone.  Monday (a week ago), he looks kind of sort of funky.  I immediately started panicking about his hind because that is what I do best.  I canceled my lesson for Tuesday and then couldn't stand myself so I lunged him Tuesday evening.

Tall girl problems

He still looked a little funky.  I decided it wasn't his hind, because instead of trotting the two poles he decided to extend and skip them a couple times.  If he can generate enough push to skip over poles, his hind probably wasn't causing problems.  I decided to contain the crazy and hope that the five days off would fix whatever was causing the funky steps.

He wasn't excited to see me :(

Today, I finally rode him after essentially a week off.  I was expecting him to be pretty fiery.  He was a little quick at times, but overall worked really well.  I walked him to get him supple and stretching then popped him on the lunge for a bit.  Whatever had been ouchy was no longer hurting/sore because he was trotting like normal without any short steps.


  1. Glad to hear he was back to normal after his vacation! I'm so glad I don't have #tallgirlproblems ;) but I do dig the hat!

    1. It was super short. I think it was made for people from the middle ages.

  2. Maybe he was a bit tight or just banged something? Anyway, glad he's better!

    1. There is a high probability that it was one of those two, but I am leaning towards the second :)

  3. Ugh they just have to keep us guessing! Hope the trip went well!
