
Friday, May 19, 2017


I have firmly been on the struggle bus lately.  I lost the majority of April due to travel, being sick, and moving out of my house.  Then because I was sick I was unable to do the work I desperately needed to get done before everything had to be shut down for the move.  So when I was finally feeling better I had three weeks of work to do.

Needless to say my energy level has be low at best.  Not to mention my dad's Parkinson's has been progressing rapidly and my mom is struggling to care for him by herself.  Unfortunately, due to where they live hiring help isn't a viable option and they live too far from family to depend on their assistance.  We are working on fixing this, but it will be another two months before anything really firms up.

How does any of this relate back to Stinker?  He requires quite a bit of energy and mental power and sensitivity to ride.  I have been lacking all of those things, so I have been telling him he is pretty frequently and not actually working him.  The time off hasn't hurt, but it also hasn't done anything to build his strength.

One day I will learn to look up and not stick my butt out

At the last show my favorite dressage judge commented that his right hind is still really weak and he struggles to carry himself correctly on that side.  She told me to trot him every day for short periods to build that up.  Well I immediately left town, got sick, and blah blah blah.  It has now been over 6 weeks and I have worked on the trot maybe four times.  And all of that has been in the last week or so.  Not really conducive to building strength.

I have decided not to do the show this weekend.  It doesn't really seem fair, plus I would rather take a couple lessons vs getting my last place ribbon.  And for the next month or so that I have left here I am going to be working on finding my mojo and not freaking out about moving.  I will probably have an easier time finding my mojo than not freaking out.


  1. I think that you made a good call. Sometimes horses need to take a back seat to life stuff. It will be okay.

    1. I won't have any regrets about not doing the show and if the dressage judge thinks we should ride a test, I can easily ride it in a lesson and get feedback that way.

  2. Nothing wrong with taking a step back from the riding for self-care. Stinker will be there waiting once things settle down for you, and then you two can get back to work!

    1. He is quite good at being right there. And I mean right there, typically wanting to nibble 😂

  3. i feel for you girl. that's a LOT of stuff goin on all at once. hang in there!

  4. Sometimes life is a bitch and gets in the way. You'll be back at it eventually.

    1. Yes. I just want to snap my fingers and fast forward through the rest of the move.

  5. I'm so sorry to hear you've lost your mojo, sounds like your plate is very full. Sending good vibes and hugs!

  6. Hugs, definitely sounds like a stressful time, hang in there and hopefully it will all get better soon!
