
Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Dramatic Mares and Lovely Bloggers

Per usual work took over life and blogging didn't happen as planned.  Last week I spent the first night of my far too long road trip with Leah.  She was very kind to accept my "hey I could totally crash at your place" self invite and upgrade it from the couch to the spare room.  And to make things better, she even invited Kaity to come over while we played with Dramatic Spanish Mare #1.

Dramatic Spanish Mare #1 aka Ruby was such a trooper.  I no longer know how to press a go button and there was a lot of go whoa go whoa by total accident in the beginning.  I am so used to Stinker that I automatically ask for slower with my seat and my half halts were far too strong since Ruby was happy to oblige requests to slow down.

I was rather ashamed of my riding, but Leah still let me on the baby later so it must not have looked as horrendous as it felt.  Ruby is pretty darn awesome and has so much swing to her back.  I had a moment of ohhhh this is what they are talking about with swing in the horse's back.  I wish I could have ridden Ruby longer, but I didn't want to steal all the fun from Kaity.

I did have to laugh, Leah's hubby came along to the barn and decided he liked me because I brought logic into her musings about buying a helmet in Europe (I suggested that she try one on prior to buying from Europe).  Poor poor poor hubby has no idea how many purchases have been caused by me.  Neither Leah nor I felt the need to correct him (tack ho for life).

I had a fabulous time with Leah, Kaity, and Ruby.  I was bummed that I didn't get to meet Leo, but I was short on time and I know there is no such thing as a quick trip to a barn.  But I did enjoy getting to see Leah's place.  FYI it is way more adorable than she lets on, but it is allllll teal.  I should have taken pictures, but I was too busy squealing over adorable spanish mares.


  1. Sometimes it is so great to ride a horse that HAS all of the buttons - then you can realize if the issues are you or your green-bean. I love jumping on the kids pony once in a great while, because he HAS all of the buttons and it reminds me that I am NOT such an awful rider - just that my horses are green and we have a ton to work through!

    1. It's like driving a new car. Takes a few minutes to figure it out and you can never find the stupid windshield wipers 😂

  2. It think we all want to ride Ruby and Cin!

  3. #tackho4lyfe hahaha
    I am so glad that you were able to tweak your drive to hang out here for a few hours -- next time I'm keeping you for a week! I'm glad you enjoyed Ruby. I find her super fun, but I'm biased, clearly. You can take her out on the trails when you visit again! (clearly I'm not above bribery lol)

    And you looked great on Ruby -- it's always hard to climb on a strange horse in front of new people, but you had her looking good! Especially considering how long it's been since she's actually worked in an arena instead of being a half feral trail pony, lol.

  4. what a fun time! Ruby looks like a blast - it's always so fun to get on something different every now and then! hope the rest of your trip went smoothly too!!

  5. Jealous. Except not of the hell part.

  6. Replies
    1. It was my first one and no one was traumatized. I'm counting it as a success

  7. So glad that I got to meet you! I had so much fun hanging out with you guys, and I agree with Leah - you looked great on Ruby (:

    1. I wish you could have stayed long. Darn work always gets in the way of fun.
