
Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Expectations Vs Reality

I was quite delusional when I first got Stinker.  I was going to take things "slow" but I thought by fall (a little over 6 months from when I got him) we would be able to be doing training level dressage and hopefully by the following spring we would be jumping a little.  (Insert hysterical laughing)

Wee little baby Stinker

As with many many many things Stinker had his own opinions on how things were going to go.  Part of it is because of mistakes I made.  Unfortunately when D still had him, the first barn he was at did not appreciate his quirks and he had to be moved.  To tally up the moves he had, the previous owner moved barns right before I bought him, then he moved with D, then he moved with D again, and then he moved down to me.  So in under 6 months, he had three people and 5 places.  It is no wonder he promptly got EPM.

Early attempt at a trail ride

As he came back from EPM I was faced with the reality.  I had a horse that was not sound nor was there any guarantee that he would get sound.  Plus he didn't have any skills to make him worth anyone else putting the time in.  Who would want an unsound, hot, difficult to rehab, green broke (at best) horse.  It basically sounded like a bad Facebook ad that gets screenshot and passed around while people laugh hysterically at the poster.

Just what everyone wants every day

Since I am too stupid to know when I quit, I decided I was going to give things my best effort and see what happened.  After months of tears and I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK I AM DOING moments I slowly started to see progress.  He started to get a little straighter, his right hind didn't feel as wonky, he was getting small amounts of muscle back.

Slow and steady

We still had set backs and I was constantly terrified of every little hiccup.  At every little thing I would be sure he was having an EPM relapse.  Slowly I realized, I didn't care about the original plan. I just wanted to have a sound and happy horse I could enjoy.  Sure I drug him to a couple shows, but that was more about the trailering experience in preparation for the move.

Always preparing

My new reality is I know he has a hind end that is at high risk for injury.  My new expectations for him are to have fun together.  Right now dressage is great for him because it is helping his body and the stronger it is the less likely he is to have an injury.  Getting him out on the trails is great because it helps to muscle up that butt.  Sure he could have a slip on the rougher parts, but we take things slow and I will hand walk him when necessary.

Don't worry he is having fun too

I don't know what our future looks like, but I do know we will have fun getting there.  He has never looked better and I know exactly what I am getting every day.  I have a horse that tries for me and enjoys going to work.  He never fails to put a smile on my face, even if I am calling him an asshole for a new shenanigan.


  1. He couldn't have landed with a better person. He's blooming with your help and understanding and patience.

  2. Sometimes horses find certain people for a reason -- I can't imagine anyone else that would have logged the hours to take Stinker from where you started, to where you are now. And it's getting better all the time! Mad props to you <3

  3. ah yes. when fantasy meets reality... i've been dealing with some thoughts like this lately myself (and will probably have my own post eventually about what i expected vs what i got....) but yea. it's funny how rarely things actually go the way we anticipated. and yet... it usually ends up being pretty fine. Stinker is a cool horse and he's lucky to have found you bc i doubt many ppl would have taken the time to bring him along as carefully as you have, even tho it's clearly what he has needed. i'm glad you guys are having so much fun together now!

  4. And at the end of the day, that's the whole freaking point. I have spent way too many years wishing I had the horse that made me smile but somehow thinking I needed more. ;-) You had the right horse all along.

    1. The EPM was basically a slap in the face to readjust things. Which I hate that it happened but it definitely changed our partnership for the better.

  5. He's very lucky to have you as his person :) Funny how things work out sometimes, I am so not where I thought I'd be right now.

    1. It's odd how things happen. I would love to read your take :)

  6. That's a great attitude to have when bringing along a horse. Because if it isn't fun then why continue doing it :)

  7. Good on you for being so patient! Glad you've found each other!
    Have to say, for a horse with EPM, he sure could fly sideways and backwards!

  8. This made me smile - so happy that you're enjoying each other so much these days!
