
Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Eating Crow

It shouldn't be a secret that I love my Kastel sun shirts.  I own a boatload of them and wear them all the time.  So periodically when reviews pop up and say they are really hot, I have been like

And for that I am sorry, because I think I finally figured out the difference.  A few months ago, I finally found a navy one on sale enough for me to buy it.  And I was shocked as hell that it was awful in the heat.  So so terrible.  It has been great this winter and I frequently wear it.  But when it is hot nope nope nope.  Do NOT go there.

Of course me being me needed a reason for why they were so different.  I started with the fabric content and sure enough all of my other ones are 88%/12% nylon to spandex, but the hotter shirt is 92/8.  I don't know if anyone else cares, but it made me happy to finally figure out the mystery of the OMG hate vs OMG love reviews.


  1. Oh that's interesting! I wonder if they've switched to the heavier nylon or if just certain shirts are the heavier ones?

    1. I think it must be certain shirts because I saw some of the hot reviews in between when I got my cooler shirts. Of course I also have bought all but two from the eBay store because I’m cheap.

  2. Cool Pro Tip! I will need to watch out for the content. I really want a black one but am super afraid it's going to be very stifling.

    1. I’m hoping someone else that thought they were hot will weigh in because I don’t like having an n=1

    2. I have a black/navy one and it's legitimately my favorite, even in the death heat of swampy Maryland summer.

  3. My objections are not temperature related. ;-)

    1. Fun fact. That will not change with the fabric. 😛🍩

  4. This makes so much sense. I have an older one that sucks. It hangs on me like old wet silk, suffocating. My others are all amazing!
