
Thursday, January 11, 2018

Work Da Booty

After the no hamster day, I decided to take advantage of one of the last non rainy days for the week and do a hill workout for Stinker.  The hill I chose to use starts off with a fairly long shallow steady climb and then ends with a short steep climb.  Overall you climb a little over 100 ft and it takes Stinker less than five minutes walking.

Top of the hill

I had intended to do the hill four or five times, but he was starting to sweat after three so I stopped there.  It was starting to cool off and he has not been clipped so I didn't want him to get too sweaty.  Silly me.  On the way home he decided he no longer knew how to walk and as a result he got himself quite worked up.

More of this please

I stayed consistent and would halt or circle when he started to get bouncy and lose the rhythm of the walk.  It was very slow progress and by the time we got back he still wasn't giving me the walk I wanted.  So he got to walk past the paddock (and his lover boy, Cowboy), turn around walk back past the empty lots and repeat.  Luckily Stinker picks up on things fairly quickly and realized he wasn't going to get to go back to the barn until he settled down.  After two passes, he immediately settled and started stretching for the contact.

Stinker wants more of this

Now if we could just do that without the dramatics I would be happy camper.  In the end he got a bit more of a workout than I had intended, but considering it rained Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday I don't feel bad about it.


  1. Oh, so your weather isn't perfect ALL the time? πŸ€”πŸ˜‚

    I'm glad he got in a good workout before the rain!

    1. I didn’t dare complain about rain after your weather πŸ˜‚

  2. Silly pony! At least he does eventually realize what you want, and that he has to give to get what he wants! Jampy hasn't figured that out. At 18, he's probably not going to though.

    1. I can pretty much out stubborn any animal so he has slowly learned.

  3. Glad he eventually settled and realized what you wanted him to do!!
