
Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Good Enough

This past weekend I was able to watch a clinic with the trainer that my trainer rides with.  It was a very good clinic and I enjoyed watching it, but it left me with mixed feelings.  All the horses were giant warmbloods, most were younger than Stinker and far more advanced.

Part of me was wondering why on earth I thought I could do this.  I don't have the desire (or money) to pay a trainer to train my horse for me.  I do not have a horse with 5 figure gaits.  I don't even have a steady horse.  I do have a a horse with significant physical challenges and the last thing I want to do is push too hard and have an unhappy unsound horse.

What I do have is the willingness to put in the time.  I have a horse I am perfectly capable of riding.  While he is a little too sensitive it isn't anything I can't handle.  I have a horse I enjoy working with, and don't feel the need to pay someone else to train him.  He is a hard worker and always provides me with a laugh.

So while he may not be able to prance around with all the fancy tricks of a five figure horse, what I have is good enough.  I have something I enjoy and don't feel pressure to live up to anything.  We may not ever win anything, but I think he can get me the beginning scores for my bronze medal.  Plus I really can't picture taking a hulking WB out in the hills to get these shots.


  1. Someone else's perfect doesn't always have to be yours :) I wouldn't wanna sit 5 figure gaits either, give me something I can comfortably hack out on the trail and have a good time with! Stinkers fits that bill perfectly for you <3

  2. There's a part of all of us that dreams of having that big fancy horse, but it's not always what we need, and really doens't need to be what we want.
    In all honesty I HAVE one. But he's not right for me and is living with my trainer because of that. I'm having way more fun with my geriatrics at home!
    You're doing a great job with Stinker. And while it's easy to try and compare timelines, it's not a good idea. Most of those horses you saw weren't sidelined by EPM for a good year (or more). They probably were in pro training from the very beginning. Etc etc. You'll get where you want to go on your own timeline with your own horse. Enjoy the ride along the way!

    1. I’m definitely enjoying the ride. It is just easy to slip into the grass is always greener side of things.

  3. There's always going to be a 'better' horse- even if you own Valegro. But there's very few horses that are a perfect fit for you. and that works out just fine for me.

    1. Valegro wouldn’t have been the same without CD. There is definitely something magical about a strong partnership

  4. And that is the best mindset to have, love the hors!e you have

    1. I definitely love him. Sometimes he makes me wonder why, but then he shoves his nose in my face and everything is just fine.

  5. I remember you were saying something and I got distracted by your epic ears picture.
