
Monday, December 7, 2015

Tis the Season for Thanks

have been struggling a bit lately.  Not just with the Stinker, but with work and life in general.  But in light of the holiday tomorrow, I started thinking about all thing things I have going for me and I honestly don't have any reason to complain.  Sure work sucks sometimes, but I have a job that lets me afford my pony, which makes me very happy.  It is challenging (sometimes a little too much), but that is better than being bored out of my mind.

I am also incredibly lucky to have amazing people in my life.  I have an amazing family and friends that are essentially family.  While, I am far away, there is this amazing thing called a cell phone.  I have wonderful barn people and amazing trainers (D and S).  D may be far away, but she always makes time for me.  And S busts her butt all day every day and always has a smile on her face.

I also have this amazing pony (just under a year ago).  He may frustrate the hell out of me (this last week is a case in point), but I love him to death.  I may call him a little Stinker, but he is such a fun horse.  Crazy talented (if I figure out how to unlock it), tons of personality, and so willing.  He is such an over achiever that it causes problems sometimes, but I love that he wants to try and cares enough to try to anticipate what I will want next.  Not to mention he is super smart.

I hope everyone has an amazing Thanksgiving filled with good ponies, good food, and good people.  Ponies obviously come first, because I have my priorities in line.  ;)

PS I fixed one of the pictures and made it all out of whack for the order...oops blogger fail.


  1. ugh real life and adulting is hard :( but putting the ponies first always seems to be a good fix! lol

    1. Adulting has been kicking my a** lately, but ponies do make things better.

  2. aw i love this post - seems like you really are able to make the best out of fairly challenging circumstances. Stinker is lucky to have you! hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving!!

    1. Thanks, that is really sweet of you to say. I try my best for him and I feel pretty lucky to have him.
