
Friday, December 18, 2015

Pongo Love

Poor Pongo has been very neglected lately.  Between work and the lack of daylight I have been lacking in time/energy to ride/work two horses, and Pongo has been losing out.  I don't think he minds too much, because he is quite chunky and very sassy.

Right now I have dibs on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays.  Unfortunately, I have pretty much only been able to ride him Tuesdays.  And that is mainly because I use him for a jump lesson on Tuesdays.

Typically, I regret my decision not to ride him on Monday, because I have to remind him that yes he does have to be soft and supple, yes he does have to respond to my leg, and finally yes when I give him a half halt, he had damn well better half halt.  This past week I got smart and rode with a dressage whip, which made the warm up process much faster.  I was a little nervous about how I would manage the longer whip when jumping, but it was fine despite the fact I typically try to use my arms to fly over the jumps...

None of our rides have been fantastics, but that is mostly due to the fact that I am only riding him once a week and we always jump.  He is lazy at first, then he realizes he is jumping and perks up.  And by perk up I mean he tries to say I got this and I don't need to listen to you.  Then he gets tired and I get tired.  These lessons highlight how out of shape I am, but I am working on fixing that.

I am pleased with where he is at, because honestly he is still rather green.  I have given him the most consistent work since he came off the track.  And honestly I am quite firmly in the amateur/green rider group.  I had never jumped before May (not counting when I was a kid and would try to get my cow horse to jump logs and ditches).  I think he will make a fantastic horse, because he has a good brain and is willing.

I don't have any new pictures, so enjoy all of the old ones that I have probably used a million times.  But that is what Pongo and I have been up to.  It isn't a lot, but I think it highlights that even without consistent work he truly knows what I taught him over the last few months.


  1. Now that I have owned a horse and gotten used to working with one horse most days...riding another horse one or two days a week is really tough! So dont beat yourself up...the fact youre making progress with him and youre learning and hes learning is what counts!

    1. This being an adult thing gets in the way of ponies!!!! I'm just happy that with a few taps he goes back to saying yes ma'am. I do love the little weirdo and want him to have a person.

  2. aww i have such a soft spot for Pongo ;)

    1. He might be publicly for sale in a bit if you get a wild hair :)
