
Wednesday, September 7, 2016

September Conformation

I realized three weeks into August that I forgot to take pictures for the monthly conformation progress. Oops. I guess 8/9 is pretty darn good.

Lately I've been feeling a bit discourage.  We've forgotten how to bend left, he looks like he is losing a bit of weight, and I'm frustrated with my riding.  That being said I was pleasantly surprised by one set of comparison pictures.  So without further ado here are the shots in comparison to February (bottom).

He did not want to cooperate with the pictures, so he looks a little wonky, but you can see how his neck is starting to fill in at the top.  He still has way too much under neck, but at least there is some upper to go with the lower now?

He is slowly gaining in the top line department and I think his loin/back area is looking stronger.  I like the progress, but I also get a bit over whelmed at the amount of progress we still need.  Can I just fast forward through the building stage and have a hunky horse?  Oh yeah the hunks weren't in the budget...

This is the one I was surprised about.  Stinker has a long history of bracing through his left shoulder and letting his haunches trail right.  This has been a problem for him as long as I have known him (even pre EPM).  In the February picture you can see how his spine actually curves to the right.  It isn't the way he was standing, that is just how it looked.  In the top part, you can see it is much straighter.  This didn't require any extra maneuvering on my part.  This is why I love dressage!


  1. His spine looks a million times better! That is kind of incredible to see!

    1. I know! I was really surprised when I realized it was so much straighter.

  2. I wonder if you had measured him around his barrel from girth line up around back in February and again now, how much of a difference in growth you would see. I always struggled just looking at my mares back, partly bc of how she was conformed. But when we actually measured it was pretty clear she had put on some muscle esp in the hollows behind her withers. Of course now measuring would be pointless bc she is GIANT OMG haha but it was a useful exercise at the time.

    1. He has gained a fair amount of weight to go with the muscle so that wouldn't be entirely accurate. But I am going to have to start measuring now that he isn't so skinny.

  3. Wow, that spine photo is something else! I love whT correct dressage does for a horses build!

    1. It's kinda crazy. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it.

  4. Tons of progress! He looks like he has filled in a lot in his topline, and wow that spine pic - the difference is huge! Apple bottom :)

  5. That's awesome. The spine photo does look much better. Yay for continued progress!

    1. Thanks! I really like having these shots for comparison and hopefully we will be able to continue the progress.

  6. so crazy that last photo! He is definitely evening out. All in all I see improvement.
