
Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Finding The Relaxation

After D left Stinker fell apart. He was an anxious mess and it felt like I was back to last fall. In hindsight I realized that the pressure was too much and while he tried really hard and was good internalizing everything was not healthy. The first few rides were awful. So so very awful. I got a bit dramatic and sulky and then got my big girl panties on and went to work.

Total hot mess, but promptly eats once I am off

Last week he got two days off, one I didn't go see him (sulky and dramatic) one where I just fed him and told him he was pretty (I was planning to work him but he was anxious in the cross ties so I cut my losses). Then I rode him the next day (Tuesday). I use the term ride quite loosely. I let him wander on the buckle and read a trashy romance novel so I wasn't tempted to mess with him.

He had two things that were required. No running me into trees and he had to walk. It went really well and as the ride went on I could feel him relaxing. I should mention that in order to get on him, I had to sit on the mounting block for five minutes for him to chill enough I could get on. Overall I counted this ride as a win.

Giraffe mode disengaged

Wednesday, I took him on a long trail ride and it went really well. He walked on a loose rein and even snuck some bites of grass. He did almost fall down because he was reaching for grass and walking and got his feet tangled up. Good job Stinker. The other eventful thing was when he spooked. He was snacking and forgot that he was by the road and spooked when a car drove by. Such a goober.

Noodle neck

Thursday, I had a lesson with S and I decided to tackle the ring. It had been a week since I had attempted to ride in there and it resulted in a total meltdown the last time. He was anxious at first but I let him truck around on the buckle until he settled. Then I started with a 20 m circle on a loose rein. Slowly I picked up some contact (again it had been a week since I rode with any contact) and if he got anxious I asked him to stretch. When he gave even slightly he got longer reins. Eventually I was able to walk both ways with contact and I let him be done. I still have work to do, but we are making progress again.


  1. It sounds like you handled it well. I wonder what Carmen would think of me reading a book while she wanders around??
    Irish used to get tense and excited at shows. I finally realized that his warm up needed to be a walk on the buckle until her relaxed. Then we could practice the moves.

    1. I I don't know if I would go so far as to say I handled it well at first. There were lots of dramatics. 😂
      But we are back on track.

  2. I'm just marveling at how you managed to read and ride at the same time -- physical book or eBook?? Inquiring minds want to know!

    Glad that you were able to overcome this setback and start making progress again. Working with horses so often seems like one step forward, two steps back.

    1. It was on my phone and not quality literature. I also didn't have too many trees to worry about either.

  3. Yay! I'm not the only one who reads and rides at the same time. I get sooooo bored during the long slow miles at the beginning of our season that I started taking a book with me. I get a lot of looks because I also normally go bareback :)

    1. When I was working on the dude ranch I could nap while riding on certain horses. Don't recommend that one but reading is a good distraction. :)

  4. Clinic situations are so touchy--lots of clinicians can take a horse going well, add pressure, and essentially show you where you'll be in six months. But. For most horses, if you ride with that kind of pressure every day, you create big problems. And for sensitive horses, if you think about that kind of pressure more than once in a great while, you might as well time travel a few years backwards. :-/

    Not anti-clinic, but dear god the sensitive horses make them hard. Glad you're figuring your guy out.

    1. I'm going for that kind of pressure never. He is a hard worker and tries so hard that it really isn't fair to him.

      But yeah sensitive horses...the struggle is real. Courage gives me hope for the future though.

  5. I'm sorry the pressure was too much for him. Sometimes though you don't know until you try. Chalk it up to a learning experience I guess. Glad you're back on track.

    1. You really don't and as much as I kicked myself for it happening it was a learning experience.

  6. I'm going to try your idea and try reading on Mystic when I housesit for the people who own the property where she lives :) Sounds like you and Stinker are back on the right track :)
