
Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Fire Breathing Dragon

Well fall finally arrived.  Our lows took a twenty degree drop (upper 60s to upper 40s) and someone (ahem Stinker) has been feeling quite spicy in the morning.  The first cool morning I managed to work through it.  It was tough, because he was unfocused and full of prancing.  I finally gave up and let him trot it out as best I could (thank you neck strap).  It wasn't always pretty, but I got some decent work and then his brain seemed to be functioning.  We managed to finish with some nice walk work and he wasn't even drenched in sweat.

This chill horse disappeared overnight

The next day, it was even worse.  I felt like I was on a ticking bomb and it didn't matter what direction we were going he wanted to crank his head to the outside and spook at everything.  He wasn't even responding to spurs, which is shocking since he is the king of over reaction to anything on his sides.  I finally said eff this shit.

I grabbed a lunge line, took him out to the hills where he got to do trot to canter transitions.  I don't know if it is a plus or a minus but he didn't get out of breath or break a sweat.  Either way he finally got his brain back and I got on him.  I managed to get some decent work, so I called it a win.  Of course when I got him back to the barn, he was super cute and sweet.  Turd monkey.

Not an innocent face!

It warmed back up a bit, so hopefully I can keep his brain in his head while he adjust to the lack of oppressive heat.  I really can't blame him for feeling spicy, I get the same way in the fall.  I am so happy to be able to walk more than five steps and not break a sweat.


  1. Glad your weather is finally cooling off! (Even if it turns Stinker into a fire-breathing dragon haha)

  2. that fall friskies appear to be arriving in full force.... hang in there lol!

    1. I'll probably get an encore performance when I clip him.

  3. Oh the dreaded fall friskies...glad that neck strap is working though! It has certainly saved me in a number of situations :)

  4. It's funny how frisky they get in the Fall!

    1. It's cute in the pasture. I wish he would get them all out then.

  5. Cooler weather is nice for the humans but does seem to make the equines a bit spicy :P
