
Friday, October 14, 2016

Nope Just Nope

Apparently my friends from grad school don't really get how I spend my time and think I need to date.  I keep telling them that Stinker is way better than guy around here, but they didn't believe me.  In order to get them to shut up, I created an online dating profile.  I will admit I put zero effort into it and basically let my crazy horse girl flag fly free.  While it didn't turn up any dates, it did provide me endless amusement with some of the pick up lines.

Don't worry you will always be my main man

My favorite one:

So are you good at riding anything besides horses?  I responded with "bikes."  Apparently he didn't find me as funny as I thought I was because he didn't respond.

Does anyone else have a humorous/cringe worthy pickup line?


  1. It's good to put the horse thing up front. When my husband started to grumble about the time/money on the horse I asked him when he knew that this was going to happen and he will admit that it was the second date and he could have run away. :)

    My son has moved to a horse area and says that he the line 'my mom has two horses' might actually work as a pick up line. Too bad you're so far away. :D

    1. Tell him to have pictures of them. It would totally work on me! 😂

  2. Online dating is... interesting. My experience was that the ones you pay for (Match, eHarmony) were the most legit. The free ones - POF, OKCupid, attract people who are less committed and may have questionable motives.

    1. Haha! Interesting is a good word. My mind was blown and I was really tempted to ask some guys if their lines ever work. And some were just scary.

  3. Whenever my husband complains I remind him I had horses before him and always warned him they'd come first 😂 that usually shuts him up.

    Shortly before I met my husband (so probably the last time a guy tried to pick me up haha) a co-worker asked me "has anyone ever told you that you have really big teeth?" I was mortified and talked without moving my lips the rest of the day. He later apologized and told me he figured that I got told how nice my smile was all the time, so he wanted to stand out. Congratulations dude, mission accomplished, now never talk to me

    1. 😂😂😂😂 I know a guy that said the same thing for the same reason. I tried to explain why that wasn't a good thing to say to a girl but he didn't get it.

  4. An ex once told me his mom warned him to stay away from horse girls bc they are all rich and spoiled. Lol. #iwish

    1. Our horses are spoiled but that is about it! #sheisdelusional

  5. hahahaha men are terrible at things

  6. Haha, I accidentally met my husband while throwing up a similar "shut up friends" profile. But while that happened (and I certainly wouldn't tell anyone else that this is statistically like to happen to them!) I mostly enjoyed responding to weirdos.

    I had a picture of my cat so they would ask me what things my pussy liked - EW.

    1. And they think they are so clever!!! Like we can't come up with a dirty joke on our own.

  7. Replies
    1. I was actually quite sad that he didn't respond. What is the point of a good comeback if they don't acknowledge it?

  8. Just noping myself all the way to a convent
