
Friday, June 16, 2017

Starting To Say Goodbye

I have less than a week left here.  To say it is weird is an understatement.  I didn't have a horse prior to moving here and now I have to leave all the professionals I love and start over.  This weekend is my final set of lessons with my favorite dressage judge and I am gutted over it.

She has made such a huge difference for us and I am not sure how on earth I will find another trainer/coach that gets us quite so well.  She has always had total faith, even when we were hot hot hot messes.  The thought of finding a new person is terrifying enough.  Having to be so careful with Stinker's brain basically doubles that.  He can take some pressure, but too much and he loses his brain.  Finding the just right amount is an artwork in itself.

Going to miss this guy too

Then there is my barn.  The people are absolutely fantastic and I would be totally lost without S.  I am going to miss having the social aspect so much.  Hopefully, my awkward self can make a few friends horse friends once I get settled. I am going to try to make myself be social instead of avoiding people unless interaction is forced.

Finally, there are the professionals that I am probably not going to see before I leave, but they have been huge.  My main vet who is amazing and managed to get me (and Stinker) through the EPM.  The wonderful acupuncture vet who can laugh at the fact my horse was a giant asshole the first two times she met him.  And went to the extra effort of asking for specific treatment plans for him in her courses.  The farrier that lets me pay him in beer.  At the beginning of the month Stinker pulled a shoe.  We couldn't find the shoe and he ripped his foot enough that the nails weren't going to hold.  The farrier came out just for him, fitted a new shoe, epoxied his foot, and when I asked how much I owed him he said, "a beer surprise."

Hopefully I am able to get through this weekend without too many tears.  The horse people here have made it for me.  I know I wouldn't have made it though the first year with Stinker without the help and support of these amazing people.  I don't know how to express my gratitude to them, so I am writing it on a blog that they don't know exists.


  1. I can only imagine how hard it would be to completely move away from my entire barn support system - moving Leo only a few miles away is stressful enough! I hope that the transition goes as smoothly as possible - and in time, I'm sure that you'll find a new network of awesome people around the new place.

  2. What a beautiful post. This is going to be a big change for you and saying goodbye is one of the hardest things.

  3. I'm so glad you found such an amazing network to help you through, but simultaneously so sad that you have to leave them! But now that you understand Stinker so well, I have no doubt you'll be able to find the right people to help you out west so you guys can continue to grow and make progress together. It can be a weird adjustment going from boarding to having your horses at home, but there are definitely still ways you can connect with local horsepeople, and I have no doubt you will settle in and create a new network soon! :)

  4. I have never tried to uproot my entire horsey life and move it across the country. Best of luck going forward and I hope you find a great crowd where you land.

    1. I don't recommend it. It will be good once things are done, but it sucks doing it.

  5. Leaving my barn family (eps my trainer) in Rochester after college was one of the hardest things I've had to do. Moving states is challenging enough, but so much of my identity is wrapped up in horses and that's really difficult to leap out onto a new frontier without being totally sure what it will be like, esp when we leave behind so many beloved friends. That said tho - my horsey life has changed in amazing ways since leaving Rochester and I'm grateful for all the new things that have come my way. Wishing you much luck and exciting new adventures in your new home!!

  6. Hoping the move goes well! :)
