
Thursday, December 21, 2017

Presents! (aka Blogger Secret Santa)

I absolutely love participating in this.  I always find new blogs and it gives me an excuse to shop, so what isn't to love about it?  Tracy does a fabulous job organizing it every year.  This year I got a present from EquiNovice.

Adorable wrapping paper

She had the cutest wrapping paper which I actually remember to take a picture of before I destroyed it.  Stinker got peppermints.  Then there was purple stirrup cover, a back on track ear fleece (which I am super excited about because screw the cold), an adorable tall boot riding ornament, and finally some super cute microbe magnets.  Thank you for the awesome gift!

The haul

In other news the Christmas miracle of the year happened the other night.  We had high winds the other night (30 mph average and up to 50 mph gusts) so there was a lot of flying dirt.  I decided to put Cowboy's fly mask on him, but he wouldn't let me get near him with it.  So I said screw it and put it on Stinker.  He immediately trying to remove it, so as I left I sent a text saying "What are the odds that I can find the damn thing in the morning?"  My guess was zero, but the next morning not only could I find it, IT WAS STILL ON!

Color me shocked.  That is the first time he was unsuccessful in removing something he didn't want to wear.  I guess because he couldn't use his mouth on it, he wasn't nearly so clever.  Maybe I should actually buy him one so he has time to figure out how to remove it.


  1. those magnets are adorable! and what a nice ear warmer - those things are worth their weight in gold in cold weather, and i bet the BoT one is SUPER nice!

  2. What great gifts, especially that ear warmer! And congrats to that fly mask for surviving the night, lol!

    1. I am super excited about it! I am still shocked about the mask.

  3. Those are great gifts. I can't believe they won't wear fly masks- mine stick their heads right in. If Irish gets his off when rolling he goes down to the barn and stares at the house!

    1. I think Cowboy's problem was it was dark and windy and he just wanted hay. And Stinker isn't a fan of wearing anything. He likes naked and feral the best

  4. Oooh. I want that BoT ear warmer! I finally got your gift(s) and it's amazing. Post is up tomorrow.

    1. The ear warmer is amazing. I tested it out tonight. And I'm so glad you like your present!

  5. That wrapping paper is too good to tear I would have had the hardest time unwrapping it!

  6. Yay! Glad you liked them :) I love Tracy’s blogger gift exchange- I have so much fun shopping for fellow horse people!

    1. The gift exchange is the best and so is that BoT ear fleece!
