Tuesday, November 10, 2015

My Horse Likes Expensive Shit

I rode Stinker in S's dressage saddle (County Fusion) today. He was excellent. Sure we had some tension and quick tempo, but he was much less tense than normal. And he actually lifted his back. I must say that makes a huge difference in the way he feels. I haven't felt it enough to really be able to describe it (nor do I have video) but everything is just better. He reaches under himself, reaches for the contact, and feels much lighter for lack of a better term. All in all it is an amazing feeling and gives me hope for our progress and our future.

So pretty so expensive...

The down side is that it is a $5000 saddle and there isn't one on the demo list (read $1000-2000) cheaper. I scanned online and found very few for sale and nothing that would fit either of us. Darn horse and his expensive taste. In addition to that, I actually liked how it feels. I wasn't struggling to keep my leg under me. I'm going to hold off my opinion on it for me until I can get video. I think I'm going to get video of us in S's saddle for me and D and also video of us in a demo saddle.

The rep will be back next week and I am going to try a wide 18" vs. a narrow 17.5" (I think). This will also answer a burning question I have. Everything I have read/heard about saddle fitting Saddlebreds is that they are deceptively wide. D thought he was a narrow, but I sent pictures to a saddle fitter she recommended and that lady said medium to medium wide. So I got a medium Albion. Which he liked until I brought him back into work from the EPM.

Not fitting...

I was struggling to find someone who would come to our area for saddle fitting, so I sent pictures to a second saddle fitter (she was recommended by the dressage judge I clinic with). She said the problem was my Albion was too narrow. So, I decided to try this County lady, because I was desperate. This lady put him and S's mare in a narrow. I ordered my jump saddle (she did agree to a cheaper price if I need to swap out the tree within a year). So I was left wondering who was right... D and the County lady said narrow. Two well recommended saddle fitters said wider (from pictures) plus all my reading was on their side. I honestly don't even know what to think. But now I'm going to get to try a wide and maybe that will shed some light on the narrow vs wide situation.

Right now my bottom line is my dressage saddle is causing tension and puffiness, so something needs to change. If D says I ride much better in S's saddle I might be biting the bullet and getting a new dressage saddle. I just want to make sure I get the correct one, so I am not having a repeat of this in another 6-12 months. But I have been informed that what I have is not working and he prefers things that cost $$$$. All I have to say is thank God I'm single and I don't have to justify my spending to anyone besides me.

He is lucky he is cute...expensive but cute


  1. I feel your pain...Tillie has required me to reflock her saddles every 6 months since ive gotten her! Your boy just wants the best of the best so he can show off his fancy pants ;)

    1. As long as his pants don't get too fancy for me to ride :)
      I did get video of us in it today so that is to come.

  2. ugh saddle shopping is the worst....

    1. I know! I'm terrified I'm going to bite the bullet then in 6 months he will change his mind again.

  3. It's great to find something that works so well but of course it had to be super expensive! Ugh no fun. I need to get the saddle fitter out soon and I'm really worried they will tell me that my saddle isn't going to work. It's a little bit too wide, but he's still growing and doesn't seem to care? I dunno, such decisions. And yah I'm with you on not having to justify the cost to anyone, definitely a perk!

    1. I wouldn't worry if he doesn't care unless the saddle fitter had concerns about it hurting his back. But usually they speak up if that is the case.
