Saturday, November 14, 2015

Saddle Fitting Plan

I finally have a plan!!! I am selling my dressage saddle (also a jump saddle that I bought on impulse.  Note don't buy saddles on impulse).  So that leaves me without any saddle for Stinker until my jump saddle arrives (hopefully before the end of the year).  But S is generously letting me borrow her saddles until I can find one that works.  This is what I am working with.  Giant withers, lopsided shoulders which are actually fairly large, and when he moves super uphill.  Please note that Stinker is fed a large amount of food (more food than anyone else in the barn including S's 1* mare), he just runs it all off and is super picky about his grain.  I *might* be a little sensitive about his ribs.  I swear I try and I am pouring money into his food bucket.

In the meantime I am getting pictures and wither tracings for two purposes.  One, so I can send them to a saddle fitter that is coming during our boot camp in December.  I'm going to try saddles then.  Two, so I can look for a Prestige to get on trial.  This is per D's recommendation.  She started him in her Prestige, but I have never tried one.  Finally, the County saddle fitter will be back on Thursday and I am going to try more dressage saddles and hopefully ride him in a wider tree and see what I think about it.  The more I think about things, the less I like the narrow.  I rode in the jump saddle (N County Solution) today and it was really sliding back (like adjusted 4 times in one ride sliding back). The dressage slides too, but not as badly.

County Fusion Narrow

County Fusion Narrow

And for kicks, my current dressage saddle (Albion Legend Medium), which he has demonstrated he hates.  I think the Fusion looks slightly better.  It has much better rear clearance and his withers don't object.  But I am not totally in love nor am I totally convinced that the narrow is right for him.

Albion Legend Medium 

Albion Legend Medium

Finally the County Solution jump, which I have on order, but I am now doubting that it is the correct tree size.  I love the saddle and he has not objected and in fact has seemed quite happy in it, but it moves like crazy so something isn't right.

County Solution Narrow

County Solution Narrow

I feel a lot better about things now that I have a plan. And I am really thankful that S is so generous that she is letting me continue to borrow her saddles for several months. Now I just need to get my saddles to sell before December so I have more money to put into said new (hopefully just to me) saddle.  I also need to figure out how to convince the County saddle fitter to agree that Stinker needs a wider tree than a narrow.

Oh and since I put these videos together for the saddle fitter, here are short (1 min ish) videos of Stinker in the Albion and the County Fusion.  Sadly no video of the Solution yet.  Also, if you have any wisdom please comment.  I readily admit I have no fucking clue what I am doing here.


  1. having a plan always makes you feel like you have a "check list" - most of those saddles look pommel high to me. BTW I do have my PF dressage saddle for sale :) its on the narrow side and LOVELY just is too narrow for Tillie.

    1. They are pommel high. I *think* it is a combination of him being uphill and them being too narrow. That is one of the reasons I'm concerned about the narrow County.

  2. oh man he is built SO uphill! i rode a horse like that in college and always had to use massive riser pads just to avoid feeling like i was climbing mt everest every time i posted haha. good luck in your search!

    1. That is why I look like I'm water skiing half the time. He gets me tipped back then I shove my ass out and shoulders forward to try and counteract sliding off the back. Hopefully we can get the right saddle so I'm not fighting with my body as much.
