
Monday, January 23, 2017

Balancing The Frustration

If you have been following for awhile, I think it is pretty apparent that Stinker can be quite frustrating.  For the most part I think I am fairly good at maintaining my cool and not letting the frustrating parts get to me.  I have a fondness for hot horses and I know that jigging and general anxiety antics are kind of par for the course.

Stinker's thoughts about my opinions

Since he had his meltdown things have slowly been improving, but some of his old habits are sneaking back in and that frustrates me.  I thought that we were past some of these things, like a snorting dancing dragon at the mounting block.  Really dude it is the same freaking mounting block that has been there for the last year and half.  A sudden in ability to just walk in the general direction of the barn.  Trying to convince me that he can't bend left.  Jokes on you bud, I've seen you scratch your ear with your hind hoof.  You can bend left.

I don't think I am quite a ghostly white as my hand appears...

There isn't anything physically wrong with him.  Trust me we have done down every dark rabbit hole path there is when it comes to physical issues.  I really think that his little mental hamster decided to take a break for awhile and I don't know what I can do to bring him back.  Sunday, I was lunging him and I set up some short trot poles.  Someone decided it was necessary to canter through them.  Surprise surprise it was a lot of work and to express his displeasure he tried to buck after them and almost wiped out.

I am quite sad that I am unable to manage my flying dragon and film, because it was quite humorous. I wanted to hand walk him over some of the small XC logs and he decided that they were 4* fences and launched over them from a walk.  I mostly just rolled my eyes at that one and he kept repeating it until he would calmly walk over it from both directions.

Just for giggles

Hopefully, this phase will pass soon and I will be able to oh I don't know walk my horse again.  In the meantime I will keep trying to find the humor in his antics and hope that it will balance out all of the frustrations that I am feeling.


  1. You need to find someone to video more, I love your GIFs 😉 Stinker is lucky to have a patient person like you, hopefully his hamster is back before you know it!

  2. Ugh I feel your pain. Just this week Dee decided she cannot walk, or even trot calmly, after spending the last 4 months working on relaxation and just chilling the fuck out.

    1. It's good to know that I signed up for a life of this. I've been trying to delude myself into thinking it would improve with age...

  3. It's always sad when you have to actually hang on to the lunge line for the worst of the antics.

    1. That it is. I'm glad I wasn't trying to share an arena because I would have been that person

  4. Ugh I hear your frustration. Maybe it's just the spring friskies coming a little early??

  5. I think that horses brains are like computers- in that every now and then they do a 'system restore' and wipe out all new files.

    With your tech support he will get there.

    1. He would be in trouble if there was actual tech involved...

  6. I feel your pain, but I think it's great that you're patient and can maintain a sense of humor about his antics. After all, getting mad doesn't get us through these phases any faster. Fingers crossed he gets through it soon!

  7. I hate when the hamster comes off the wheel :( Hopefully things will be back to normal soon! Love that GOT meme :D

  8. Saddlebred brains are hard to put back in order :(
