
Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Pony Ride

My parents are in town for a visit and of course I drug them out to the barn with me.  They saw Stinker for the first time last year and I don't think they were very impressed.  Obviously we have made some progress since them.

They watched me ride and it was a decent ride so I think we are on the upswing with his brain.  After I got done I asked my mom if she wanted to get on.  I was very impressed she didn't even fuss when I gave her my helmet to wear.  She was a little hesitant, but I assured her that I would keep him on the lunge line and we would just walk around.

Feed the pony

Poor Stinker wasn't sure what to make of the situation.  No one besides me has been on him in about 5 months and he has strong opinions about who rides him.  Anything that is different makes him go OMG!!  He was a very good boy.  You could tell he was a little nervous but he kept checking in with me and only side stepped a couple of times.

I think my mom enjoyed herself and she might actually like him after this year instead of thinking I am totally insane.

Good boy Stinker!


  1. What a good boy to pack your mom around for a mini hack!! Glad that maybe your parents are seeing the light on how awesome Stinker is 😎

    1. I don't know about my dad (you never know what he is thinking), but I do think my mom found him to be fun.

  2. Yay! Pony rides are good! I'd be upset if my parents didn't like my horse, so it's super exciting that yours are warming up to him!

    1. I think it mostly stems from they don't view him as useful and with their ranch background a horse's value is based on how useful they are and emotional attachment doesn't come into play.

  3. aww yay good man, Stinker!! look at him dealing with new and different stimuli and staying sane and thoughtful for it!!

  4. What a good boy! It's adorable to me that your mom got on him. My mom used to ride, but she has never sat on Ozzy. I think it would make my day if she did.
