
Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Less Than Perfect

Stinker has been excellent for the lessons, way better than average.  He adores trainer and puts his best hoof forward for all of our lessons.  We finally had an off lesson.  It actually made me feel a little better, because the inconsistency at home isn't just due to my inability to ride.  He wasn't bad, just tense and frazzled.

Tack room is scary

After the fact I decided it was caused by his right hind being a little sore.  My main reasoning behind that is he would not let me post on the correct diagonal when it loaded the right hind.  He would tense and jig and toss me off.  He used to do this when his right hind was weaker, but over the summer and the fall it strengthened up enough that things were fine.  Plus he has been being especially bratty in the paddock.

He had been running circles around Cowboy for awhile

Anyway back to the lesson, it was nice to get a few more tips on how to manage him when he is having a bad day.  The bad days are a lot fewer and easier to manage, but more information and tools never hurt.  Most of it was reminding me that my riding has to be better and more precise when he gets like that.  I need to be steady and firm, but not harsh.

Post lesson noms

He feels more secure with contact, but at the same time when he gets frazzled he bounces off the contact a lot.  My timing and position need to be on point to get him to settle.  Luckily with trainer reminding me how to ride and getting my hips in line, we were able to get him some what consistent. He never settled as much as I would have liked, but he was stretching and working correctly.

Trainer asked me if I wanted to canter and I declined.  She did not push the issue even though I could tell she really wanted to work on it.  I liked that she took my word for what I was feeling with him and didn't push for more.  While I do have a tendency to error on the side of too cautious, I do think cantering him would have been a very poor choice, especially if he was a little sore.  Sadly that was my last lesson for three weeks.

My plan is to really work on getting him back to being settled and being able to use my leg more.  Hopefully the weather will keep cooperating, so far this winter has been really mild and the footing has been holding up really well.


  1. Having an 'off' lesson is good every now and then to help you get the tools to deal with it. Carmen bounces off the contact too and gets all mad and huffy about it. Legging her forward is the key to that but not always easy.

    1. Yep he bounces and gets frustrated with the bouncing. But with him sideways seems to be more effective than forward because he likes to lock his shoulders. The lateral steps help to unlock them and get things flowing.

  2. I got so distracted being jealous of your mild winter that I forgot what I was going to say about the lesson ;)

    Oh yeah, I remembered -- glad you've connected with a trainer who works so well with you guys!

    1. I'm sure January and February will make me pay the price. There is no way that this is going to last.

  3. often with isabel (less often, but sometimes with charlie) i could be frustrated in lessons bc she was always on her A Game when we'd go places to do things. but then we'd get home and she'd be.... less than an A+ student and it'd be a real struggle to apply those concepts from the lesson when i suddenly had an entirely different horse. for those reasons, it was *really* useful (even if frustrating) to get trainer input when she was a little off her game, bc yea it was a totally different ride. hopefully tho Stinker is feeling better for next time!

    1. I don't mind that he has been so good because I know what I'm working for when I'm schooling at home. And things continue to improve even if we aren't quite as good at home. Plus I think I tend to have better position at lessons than when I'm by myself at home.

  4. I used to be upset when my horse was less than perfect for lessons but then my mom reminded me that growth comes from those moments and having the trainer there to help you through it is what its all about.

    1. Definitely, plus if they only see the best they are missing a large portion of the picture. I appreciate all types of lessons because I love lessons

  5. Replies
    1. You, Teeny, Lewis and ZB are always welcome! Beagle not invited.
