
Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Year of the Canter

I am dubbing 2018 as the year of the canter.  It doesn't feel like it is a stretch goal.  It feels attainable, but I also am waiting for the other shoe to drop.  Stinker has had me so well trained with various physical issues that I am just waiting (and hoarding my money) for something else to pop up.

But I want to have Stinker consistent in the walk trot and canter.  I think physically everything is ok, especially if I can keep getting him out on the hills this winter.  It has helped to build up his hind end so much, and so far the winter has been pretty mild.  I just need a little more daylight and spending less of it at work.

I want to put my budget towards lessons and saving to replace trusty rusty, so I am not planning on doing any showing this year.  Last year I wanted to take him places so he was some what used to hauling before the move.  But he has been in a show environment and it didn't blow his mind.  We see a reasonable amount of traffic at the lessons, plus he has short hauls to the lessons on a regular basis.

As far as goals for me, I am not setting anything in stone.  My life still feels upside down from all of the changes and I don't want to add in goals.  If I don't meet goals I have full control over I feel like a failure which isn't a great feeling.  Maybe in the next quarter I will feel more settled and have a better idea of what is sustainable for me.


  1. I think you are wise to set goals that you believe are attainable. Sometimes it's better to let the dust settle and then make plans. We can't control the universe (which is really too bad). :)

    1. The universe really needs to get onboard with letting us control it 😉

  2. Super excited for you and the year of the canter! 😀 And hopefully things feel more settled for you soon.

    1. I think it is partially the time of year. I'm sure once spring rolls around I'll perk back up.

  3. I actually don't set formal goals because with horses I just feel like things always pop up that derail what you're working towards. I've instead started making plans. Because plans can always change. Although this year I haven't done any of that either... I think your plan to work on consistency and the canter sounds like a great one!

    1. I am pretty ok with adjusting things as needed when it comes to the horse. I'm not so generous with myself.

  4. I could've swore I followed your blog before...

    Anyways - YAY SOMEONE ELSE DOING YEAR OF THE CANTER. Annie and I will be right there with you haha. We need to figure out our leads lol
