
Monday, September 19, 2016

Handing Over The Reins

D came down for a clinic this past weekend (I didn't say anything because I was terrified I was going to jinx things).  I realize how nutty it sounds, but that is how my totally scientific mind rolls.  The weather didn't want to cooperate, but Friday we managed to sneak in a ride.

D wanted to get on him since it has been so long since she had seen him (she last came down when we were dealing with EPM and all that fun stuff).  I am not going to lie it made me super nervous.  I really wanted him to do well, but the wheels had been falling off and I knew that she was going to pressure him.  Plus she rode him for two and half months before I ever got him and basically all she knew was pre EPM Stinker.

Brand new baby Stinker (all D knew)

He handled things quite well.  He did flip her the bird a few times and got pretty wound up, but he settled and worked.  She cantered him both ways and he looked fantastic.  Super balanced and got both leads (oops that is a rider problem then).  Poor guy was sweating a lot, but he wasn't breathing hard despite the fact that he was worked way harder than normal.  Good thing he runs laps during turn out.

Don't worry I work out!

At the very end, she wanted me to hop on for a few minutes so I could get the feel of where she wanted him to work.  I absolutely love his work ethic.  He was totally fine with working hard and then switching riders and going right back to work.  I didn't do a whole lot with  him, but I did start to get a feeling of how deep she wanted him to be.  I tend to be ok with mediocre, which does not get him unlocked.


  1. Glad D's ride on Stinker went well! And awesome that you got a chance to hop on to feel where you need to be working ☺ if the secret to not jinxing things is to keep quiet about them, clearly I need to stop talking about show plans 😂 haha.

    1. I don't know if it actually works or not since the n=1...

  2. Glad you have a trainer that "gets" your horse. That makes such a huge difference. :-)

    PS jinxes are real.

    1. It really does. Gotta find the special snowflake trainer for the special snowflake pony.

  3. Jinxes are completely real! I have them all the time. But I'm glad that Stinker went well for both of you

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one. And thanks, I am very happy with how things went.

  4. Sounds like it was a great and productive ride!!

  5. That's awesome! Having a trainer who will hop on is so helpful :)
