
Friday, September 16, 2016


Why is it so hard to appreciate what we have when it comes to training our horses?  I have been feeling a bit frustrated by the slight regression with Stinker.  In reality it hasn't been bad or really much of a step back.  He has just needed some lighter days with less drilling, which is totally normal. I am not ok with working for days on end and not having a mental break.

Last year this time, he wouldn't walk under saddle.  Period, not at all.  I could get very reluctant halts with lots of inverted piaffe.  I thought I would be happy when he would just freaking walk.  In January, he started walking consistently.  I was happy with that for all of five minutes (slight exaggeration, it probably was closer to two weeks) and then I moved on to wishing he would stretch.

We figured out the stretching, then I moved on to another thing and so on and so forth.  I need to remember to take a moment and enjoy what we can do and stop worrying about what we aren't doing.  All of that will come with time (and its own set of problems).

I should appreciate the fact that I rarely cry because I am so frustrated with my horse now.  Can't say that about last fall.  Side note:  Crying is my default emotion it really isn't hard for that to happen.  Watch a sappy commercial=cry; read a happy article=cry; get really hungry/ get the point.

I appreciate the fact that when I am feeling lazy I can hop on my horse bareback and not even loop the lead rope around for reins.  He even seems to love me...ok that is only when I have his bucket of timothy but I am the only one that feeds it to him, so he loves me damn it.  Oh and he loves me when I have honey crisp apples.  He is so spoiled that he won't eat red apples any more.

We really have come a long way together and I do appreciate the journey even when I get muddled down with all the details.  I thought about posting a direct comparison from last year to this year, but last year was to cringe inducing.  It is all there for the world wide web to see if you really want to look.  I am just not making it that easy :)


  1. It's so easy to get caught up in how things aren't progressing day - to - day. I was genuinely shocked yesterday when I realized that I've only had Leo for 3 months - of course he's not a master of dressage and jumping at this point, it's barely been any time at all! And with Stinker - illness etc probably produces the same effect. You've had him for a while, but so much of that time has been rehabbing. For me, looking at the conformation stuff helped a lot. I feel like when you start to get frustrated with progress/lack of progress, the best thing to do is to find a way to reset your expectations. And trail riding a saddlebred bareback with a halter and reins is no small feat - definitely an accomplishment to be proud of!

    1. It's so easy to get caught up and forget reality. You and Leo will get there. Unfortunately for us it just takes much time 😊

  2. Hang in there :) hard work always pays off

  3. Lovely post- I was thinking last night how I need to stop and review how far we've come.

    1. Thank you! I'm still catching up on your blog but green horses keep things interesting at the very least :)

  4. I think it's easy to get frustrated with a perceived lack of progress, but at least the blog gives you a good historical snapshot so you can feel better! I'm hoping to be able to look back at now in a few years and feel like I've made progress...

    1. This blog has been amazing for keeping me grounded. I think about things differently and there is always cold hard proof for when I try to run off to denial land.

      You guys will have made progress! There will be bumps but it will happen.

    2. I've found FB's "On This Day" feature very helpful for this too -- in fact this morning I was reminded that 2 years ago today, Ruby had her 6th ride under saddle 😊

  5. I so feel you. During my dressage lessons (which can just feel like a lesson in frustration) I have to remind myself that when I got Dee we would settle for 2 or 3 walk steps because that was as good as it was gonna get. Now I want her to come back from a canter, stay in a frame, step calmly into a flat footed walk and then get frustrated when it takes 10 steps to actually walk. Perspective is important (and patience, but who has that)!

  6. I am a crier when I'm frustrated, so I hear that! It's been really hard for me to re-visit my fears at the mounting block with Apollo. Hang in there :)

  7. I definitely hear this! It's so hard to step back and just be thankful bc there's always "more, better." Good reminder! Plus there's always appreciation for how damn handsome stinker looks in that bridle and bonnet!

    1. Thanks! I'm quite partial to him. :)
      I'm sure you will have plenty to appreciate with your tall drink of water!
