
Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Walkin' On Sunshine

The weather has finally cooled down slightly.  We are in the 70s at night and upper 80s durning the day (with humidity it feels more like low 90s).  While it is still warm I at least don't feel like I am going to die of heat stroke.  Come on fall get here already!

In other news, there isn't too much going on.  Stinker and I are just walking and working on straightness.  In exciting news he will back under saddle without freaking out now.  And he has mares that chase him when I am riding him.  I am so sick of them following us and peeing every where.  Thankfully, he doesn't get distracted unless they start sniffing his butt (and I really can't blame him for that).  I will leave you with this little gem...


  1. Sexual harassment in the work place is so wrong!
    glad that it's getting more reasonable in the temps.

    1. Poor Stinker has a rough life. And I'm quite glad because this summer was rough.

  2. Replies
    1. So so much trouble. At least this one doesn't gallop up behind him screaming her head off like another one does...

  3. Holy crap! I think that one might be a first. The things you and poor Stinker have to put up with! LOL

    1. The part that gets me is the fact that multiple mares do this to him (5 I can think of off hand)... 😳

  4. wait only a 10 degree difference in night and day??? what hell is this?

    1. It's called humidity. Soul drowning humidity.... I miss the west. Oh and it doesn't cool off when it rains in fact the feels like temperature typically increases.

  5. I am liking the cooler temps! I can go for a run without feeling like I'm going to die haha.

    1. I'm jealous that you get a real fall. We don't really have seasons here :(
