Friday, January 15, 2016

Pongo The Pogo Pony

I had a lesson on Tuesday on Pongo.  We were working over ground poles and getting him soft, supple, and adjustable.  He was feeling quite sassy, so it was a little interesting.  At first he was trying to spook at things.  He lives in the jump field he spends 14ish hours out there every day.  I was not amused (ok it was a little funny, but really??).  Once I convinced him life was harder when he tried to spook, he gave that up and moved on to other tricks.

Pongo tries to say he doesn't have any tricks.

He actually felt pretty good, although he sort of reverted back to his habit of tucking his head between his knees in the canter.  This move makes me so nervous, because I am always afraid that he will launch me.  He has never tried to buck, but this position gives me zero leverage and therefore makes me nervous.

We worked through a set of trot poles multiple times, because he kept getting over zealous and rushing.  Finally, we got him nice and balanced both directions.  Then we moved onto a set of canter poles.  S wanted me to trot them first, just to demonstrate that he was listening to me.  Mr. Sassy Pants was trying demonstrate that he knew it all.

All poles should be cantered according to Pongo.

Every time we tried to trot through it, he would start pogo sticking it.  He was never rude or barging, he stay on the bit and then start hopping through the poles.  I was at a bit of a loss at how to ride it (partially because I would start laughing...S was laughing too for the record).  Eventually, we got things figured out and were able to move on to canter.

I seem to always end up with the weirdos and I love them for it.  Hopefully, next week I will actually get to jump and have more interesting things to write about.  I am really pleased with how well Pongo has been retaining his knowledge.  Every week it is easier to get him working nicely, even though I am basically riding him once a week.  He is a smart little cookie and lots of fun.

He is a little weirdo, but I love him!


  1. ha isabel completely agrees that all poles must be cantered always no matter what (oh and for the record, the only time she ever spooks is in our own arena at home... so i relate haha). seriously tho Pongo is so cute, glad to hear that he's mostly progressing nicely!

    1. They are so sassy! I'm really pleased with his progress and I really hope he gets a nice girl when he sells (my fingers are still crossed that he will stay at my barn).

  2. tehehe he sounds like quite the character! To this day Tillie will realize we are approaching a ground pole and ferociously attack it like its a 3ft fence and feel all proud before shell settle in and do it normal.

    1. It's like they are saying "watch this mom!" The struggle is real (especially when you are laughing)

  3. He sounds fun!! I like the sassy ones :)
