Wednesday, May 24, 2017

What To Buy Wednesday: Washing Machines

The new place is going to need a new washer/dryer.  My last washer was awful.  It was an LG something or another (middle of the road) that had high ratings on consumer reports.  I had clothes come out dirtier than they went in.  In order to get white polo wraps back to white, I had to soak them in oxyclean.  Then wash two full cycles (with double rinses) on hot with more oxyclean.  Then do an extra rinse cycle.  That was about 4-5 hours just to get polo wraps clean.  Do not want to go there again.

Also don't want to be doing that

What washer do you love for horse laundry?  Any particular style that works better?  I would like to stay in the middle price range because this move is getting really expensive really quickly.  I don't intend to wash blankets and stuff in it, but it needs to be able to handle saddle pads and wraps.


  1. I take horse laundry to the laundromat. This is to save my washing machine, not because it would take forever to do at home. I just don't want to destroy my own washer. I'd rather pay to destroy the laundromat's washer instead.

  2. Olivia has the right idea. I have an LG and when I looked at it and the size I thought 'yes! horse blankets!' But it doesn't do a good job on the bulky things. I need to get some oxyclean.
    I paid someone this year to wash, waterproof and repair the winter blankets. She did an incredible job- they look new. I won't do that every year but it was worth it.

    I did have a front load Kenmore that did a great job on blankets.

    1. I just want to do saddle pads and polo wraps. I'm hoping to find someone else to do the blankets.

  3. I would definitely pick something with an agitator -- I've never heard anyone doing horse laundry (maybe with the exception of Teresa above haha) have anything good to say about washing things in a front load washer. I think especially for things that accumulate dirt like pads and polos, a good agitator is a must! We have never bought a new washer and dryer, but we've been through a handful of Craiglist specials ;) so no advice on brands from me. But it might be worth investing in a small power washer -- it's amazing how much cleaner pads get in the washer if I rinse them off with the power washer first! That's how I clean winter blankets too actually.

  4. No help here - my husband and I went to Home Depo and bought the cheapest ones we could find. I don't know the brand, but I have no complaints. It does a good job on my polos and saddle pads, and on my regular clothes. But like ^^ConfessionsofaDressageBarbie said above, it is a top loader with an agitator.

  5. I think I have an LG- it's a huge washer that I also can't use all of its capacity. I wash all my clothes in oxiclean detergent, but I've taken to doing two rinses on every load that is more than a handful of things. I don't have too much trouble getting my no bows white again, but I also use bleach to make them white. I've found the second rinse does the job, but on dirtier horse items (like his BOT mesh sheet), I always end up with a dirt ring on the low spot. I shamelessly brush this spot off into the garbage. I'm happy with my washer, and I ope it lives a long life, but it's lack of heavy duty cleaning irks me!

    Long story short, I don't have any recommendations. lol

    1. Mine is the biggest LG top loader- we did NOT want a front loader because of the risk for mold and the fact that the water never fully drains from the drum. Maybe we should take it apart and give it a good clean, and that would help remove the ring of dirt?

  6. I have a craigslist special that's washed like a champ for years now. If it died today, I'd still have no complaints.

  7. I'm the opposite to everyone else - I find large washing machines w/o agitators clean the best. Those are the ones I use at the laundry mat because the one I have at home the agitator makes it impossible to fit more than like one saddle pad in it.

  8. I have a Speed Queen top load agitator.More expensive but made in USA, super long warranty, commercial quality. Can use HOT water. Bought at independently owned appliance store. So far it is great.
