Friday, September 29, 2017

Only Sort of Lost

This weekend we went exploring new paths.  Unfortunately, we took a couple wrong turns and didn't end up where we expected to be.  Luckily we accidentally ended up coming back the way we meant to go in the first place.

Always happy to explore

My mom decided she wanted to see a canyon that was on the endurance ride, after my previous experience I was a little leery, but said we could give it a go.  I looked at the map and thought I knew where we needed to go.  My mom had been part way up the trail on foot earlier this summer, so I made the mistake of listening to her about where the trail went.

Headed home

We wandered for awhile, I got royally confused and decided we had weren't going to get where she wanted to go and we could just ride around.  I followed some dirt bike trails for awhile and my mom got worried we wouldn't be able to find our way back.  I assured her that since I had my GPS running and both horses have demonstrated a clear understanding of which way is home we would be fine.

We found the canyon

After some wandering through the hills I finally found a more road like path and decided to follow it back home and make a bit of a loop.  About half way home my mom started getting really really quiet (very odd for her) so I asked what was up.  After some prodding she finally confessed that the road we were on was the one she had assured me we were on earlier.  I just laughed at her, because I had a fun ride even if we didn't find her canyon.

Champion drinker

On Sunday, I went back and easily found where you dropped off into the canyon.  I didn't go down because I learned my lesson.  Instead I snapped a picture and texted it to my mom to taunt her.  I was really impressed with Stinker.  There were places we crossed a stream and he consistently drank both days.  It used to be I couldn't get him to stand still to take a breather and now he is starting to figure out how to take care of himself on the longer rides.  And he handled 10+ dirt bikes without blinking an eye.  Who is a trail horse now?


  1. Wow that is so impressive with stinker. It's going to really get him fit!

  2. Haha I'm glad getting lost ended up being NBD! Your mom sounds like she has my mom's sense of direction ;) and yay for Stinker drinking and acting like a seasoned trail horse -- what a champ!

    1. Conversation today
      Her: I wanted to ride North
      Me: Uhhh which way? (north is literally the only direction there isn't open land)
      Her: I mean east or whatever direction that is

  3. Haha, your poor mom! I love that you taunted her with that photo. So nice to hear Stinker is learning to be a real trail pony!

  4. oh man, that landscape is so amazing tho. like, 'whoops we almost got kinda lost just looking for some random breathtaking canyon -- ya know there's tons out here!'

    1. I love love love the landscape! It is pretty hard to beat.

  5. Good trail pony! Such pretty views too :)

  6. Nothing like good, hard hills to make brain cells work together. :-)

  7. The scenery is absolutely gorgeous!
