Not a bad view for a few hours
I must say scribing for dressage tests is way more difficult than any of the jobs I have been given at endurance rides. The hardest part was not losing papers to the wind. Not to mention endurance riders are super friendly. I had multiple people that drove past and stopped to thank me for the time.
There was one rider that had a mishap early on and was almost an hour behind the other riders. I was talking with people while waiting and one lady told me she had nine horses and if I wanted to ride one I could. I said I would think about it and immediately wondered how crazy you are to offer a horse to someone you hadn't ever seen ride.
Teeny little grey ears
I had friends point out that all horses aren't special snowflakes and some are even ok with all kinds of riders. So after some pondering, I added her on facebook and asked if she was serious about her offer. We met up on Sunday and I rode a fun little grey Arab mare named Cam.
She is such a steady get the job done mare. I was cracking up when we were leading them down a fairly steep hill. The plan was to jog down the hill, but it was steep and I am not the most coordinated person in the world. I was kind of sort of half jogging half sliding and she was trotting next to me like a perfect lady, except she kept looking over me with mare glare. Apparently my speed did not suit her.
Porky Little Princess
It was such a fun ride, and now I have the option of doing a 30 mile ride with her. If I don't chicken out and I can swing it with my work schedule, I am hoping to do one in October. I am excited but kind of terrified. It is a bit of a toss up who ended up fluffier from Stinker's long break, so hopefully I won't die.