Wednesday, April 13, 2016


I have been feeling a little frustrated lately, because I don't feel especially effective with my leg when I am riding Stinker.  We seem to have two modes, ignoring and OMG it TOUCHED ME!!!!  Not exactly ideal.  I was trying to figure out how to make my aids more precise and subtle.  If it isn't precise he ignores it, if it isn't subtle he panics.  I was toying with the idea of spurs, but didn't really think that they would help.

Swan Neck Spurs from VTO.

Then I was looking through Austin's old blog posts and found one about swan necked spurs.  After pondering, and questioning her (thanks by the way), and running my scheme pasts S and D, I bought the spurs.  I figured that a $25 experiment wouldn't be the worst waste of money, because it would either work or it would be such a hot mess I would get $25 of entertainment out of it.  Either way I was ok with the money spent.

Ready for use.

The first day I rode in them, it was in a lesson with S, because I wanted help figuring out when I was touching him with them and maybe some help if there was a melt down.  He was super tense at first, but didn't over react which was a win to start off with.  Throughout the ride, he did settle and while it wasn't our best work it wasn't bad either.  I did think it was easier to straighten him and I can actually keep my leg long and use something besides my calf (I am not sure if that falls under tall people problems or short horse problems).

I also really liked the weight of the spur.  Like Austin said, I felt like the weight helped keep my heels down.  I haven't seen video of myself, so I might be delusional.  But for now I will believe it helps me with my heels.  As far as showing goes, I can't wear them for eventing, but they are dressage legal.  I figure that if I ever get to where I am showing eventing (that is a pretty big if for us at this point), I can survive one warm up and dressage test without them.  Or I could wear another style if I get that paranoid.

Stinker tried to yank them away from me.


  1. I really do like spurs...i used to ride in them every single ride. Not sure why I stopped lol. Maybe this blog post should be my inspiration to start again!

    Hoping these help :) My reactive mare did quite well with them so hoping stinker does too!

    1. I really like them. Although Stinkers opinion varies I think overall they are a success.

  2. Gif made me giggle. :)

    Hope they work for you. They might just be a tool for now, getting you both through a training patch. Nothing wrong with trying, right?

    1. So many opinions. I've actually taught him drop (like you would a dog...)
      Even if they aren't permanent they will be really useful.

  3. I really think spurs change my mental game more than actually bug my horse. Like, I think my leg is more effective, so I use it more effectively, and then surprise! It is. ;-)

    1. These annoy him as expressed by jumping and tail flipping but he keeps thinking. It is more of a startle than an FU. So I will take it.

  4. I am with SprinklerBandit. I feel like when I'm in spurs I'm just overall better at using my leg correctly!! Hopefully they have the same affect for you. :)

    1. It reminds me to keep my legs quiet which is really good. :)

  5. Ha I recently ordered the same exact type of spur! Hope they work for you!
